What Happens When You Die in Starfield? Answered

Anastasios Antoniadis

Find out what happens when you die in Starfield and whether any penalties are applied.

What Happens When You Die in Starfield 1

The universe of Starfield is perilous, teeming with cosmic threats, alien encounters, and high-stakes missions. Chances are, if you’ve embarked on this space odyssey, you’ve faced death more than once. But what does dying mean in Starfield?

Does Bethesda’s latest space RPG offer a forgiving death mechanic, or is it punishing? In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explain what happens when your character bites the dust in Starfield and offer tips on preserving your progress.

Is Death Permanent in Starfield? Are Any Penalties Applied?

Rejoice, as your character’s demise is not the end of your journey. Starfield offers a more lenient approach than some hardcore survival games where death is permanent. There are no penalties for dying, such as losing experience points, Credits, or items. Instead, you reverted to your last save point, picking up where you left off, similar to pretty much every modern Bethesda game, such as Fallout 3, Fallout 4, Fallout: New Vegas, Skyrim, Oblivion, and Morrowind.

Tips for Saving Your Game in Starfield

The lenient death penalty makes saving your game even more critical. Bethesda’s auto-save function is useful, but relying solely on it can be risky. A Reddit user recently highlighted a bug that wiped their saved files, causing a tremendous loss of progress. Therefore, saving manually before and after combat, making important discoveries, and collecting resources are advisable. Keeping multiple save game slots is also a great idea.

Be Mindful When Saving to Avoid Putting Yourself in a Tight Spot

While being diligent about saving is good, it can backfire. Imagine manually saving your game before your character succumbs to an enemy attack, trapping you in a never-ending death loop. To avoid this pitfall, maintain multiple save files and update them as you progress.

How to Save Your Game Effectively

Save Game from the game's menu Starfield
Image: Bethesda via Meta Game Guides

Saving your game in Starfield is straightforward:

  1. Access the Main Menu: Pause your game and head to the main menu.
  2. Navigate to ‘Save Game’: Select the ‘Save Game’ option within the main menu.
  3. Choose a Save Slot: Pick an empty save slot or overwrite an existing one. It’s a good practice to keep multiple slots. Better safe than sorry.
  4. Confirm the Save: Once selected, confirm your choice, and your game will be saved.

How to Minimize the Risk of Dying

Starfield Spacesuits in Inventory
Image: Bethesda via Meta Game Guides

While the game doesn’t penalize you for dying, nobody likes seeing their character fall again and again. Here are some tips to keep you alive:

  1. Level Up: Focus on leveling your character to unlock skills that enhance your combat capabilities.
  2. Best Gear: Equip the best armor and weapons available. Consult our guides on where to find top-tier gear, like the Mantis Armor Set.
  3. Modifications: Use workbenches to install mods on your weapons and armor, giving you a crucial edge in battles.


Starfield allows players to explore, fight, and make mistakes without the looming fear of severe death penalties. However, this leniency should not be an excuse for complacency. Constantly save your game to safeguard your progress and employ the game’s extensive customization options to build a formidable character. Check out our dedicated guides section for more tips and tricks on navigating Starfield’s expansive universe.

Originally posted 2023-10-05 00:18:03.

Anastasios Antoniadis
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