Palworld v0.1.4.1 Patch Notes [Steam]

Anastasios Antoniadis

Share on Facebook Share on X (Twitter) Share on LinkedIn Share on RedditThe team behind the contentious creature-collection game Palworld has released update v0.1.4.1 for its Steam version to rectify significant bugs and vulnerabilities. Additionally, an update for the Xbox version is anticipated to be available shortly. The core focus of this update is the … Read more

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The team behind the contentious creature-collection game Palworld has released update v0.1.4.1 for its Steam version to rectify significant bugs and vulnerabilities. Additionally, an update for the Xbox version is anticipated to be available shortly.

The core focus of this update is the remediation of critical issues that led to game crashes, corrupted save files, and malfunctioning game worlds. Notably, the update addresses a critical bug where the game would crash and save files would become corrupted once a guild’s Pal collection reached approximately 7,000. It also rectifies issues with world states on servers, ensuring that previously inaccessible worlds can now be successfully loaded following the update.

Beyond these pivotal corrections, update v0.1.4.1 also resolves a range of other significant concerns. Let’s delve into the comprehensive details of the Palworld patch v0.1.4.1.

Complete Palworld Patch Notes v0.1.4.1

Multiplayer and Weapons

  • Fixed a bug where weapons held by other players would randomly disappear when a player used a grenade. This should resolve frustrating instances of missing gear during multiplayer sessions.

Capture Mechanics

  • Patched an issue where display capture probabilities would increase when using Lifmunk Effigies to boost capture power, but actual behind-the-scenes capture chances remained unchanged. Capture probabilities should now work as intended.

Base Management

  • Addressed a bug where Pals manually assigned to breeding duties would fall asleep indefinitely when exhausted. They will now properly wake up and resume duties.
  • Fixed a problem where chopping trees in bases would not yield any wood drops. Harvesting base trees should now yield building materials.

Exploits and Cheats

  • Implemented countermeasures against known exploits and cheating methods. While specifics were not provided, this likely includes hacked game modification and manipulation through third-party tools.

The developers note that fixing major issues and problems remains the top priority. They thank the community for their patience and support as they continue working to improve Palworld.

Anastasios Antoniadis
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