How to Build 5 Different Outpost Modules in Starfield (Outpost Eng. Rank Challenge)

Anastasios Antoniadis

How to build 5 different outpost modules in Starfield and complete Outpost Engineering’s Rank 2 challenge.

How to Build 5 Different Outpost Modules in Starfield Outpost Eng. Rank Challenge

If you’re delving into Starfield‘s expansive universe, you’ll likely encounter the game’s intricate Outpost system. Outposts serve as satellite bases, offering various benefits to players. Reaching Outpost Engineering Rank 2 demands that you construct five distinct modules, but the game leaves you mostly in the dark on how to accomplish this. Fret not, Space Explorer! We’ve got your step-by-step guide to boost your Outpost Engineering Skill to Rank 2 and beyond.

Steps to Build 5 Different Outpost Modules in Starfield

Based on what I’ve seen, this Rank Challenge requires you to either build Hab, Airlock, and Hall modules under the Structures tab or decorations that will go inside these modules, e.g., plants, chairs, etc. Note that building the same structure will work towards increasing your rank challenge progress, as long as you build the right item(s).

Step 1: Head to Your Outpost Beacon and Open the Build Mode

First, head to your Outpost Beacon and interact with it to enter the build mode.

Step 2: Navigate to the Structures Tab

Press the key ‘C’ if you’re on a PC or ‘RB’ if you’re playing on Xbox. This will lead you to the Structures tab, the gateway to building the necessary modules.

Step 3: Build the Hab Structures

Under the Structures tab, focus on building five unique types of Hab structures. These structures come in different variants, such as habitation modules, research labs, or supply depots. Each has its unique benefits, so choose according to your Outpost’s needs.

Step 4: Verify Rank 2 Achievement

After successfully building the five different types of Outpost Modules, you’ll see that your Outpost Engineering Skill has leveled up to Rank 2.

Step 5: Onward to Ranks 3 and 4

The journey doesn’t end here. To reach Rank 3, you’ll be tasked with building 25 different modules, and for Rank 4, a whopping 50. The Modify Mode menu will show you a broad range of facilities you can construct to meet these numbers.

Video Credit: Gamers Heroes

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Some players have reported that their progress doesn’t seem to update after building new Modules. If you encounter this issue, try unassigning any Crew Member from the Outpost, then attempt to build the modules again. This method has worked as a temporary fix for some players.


Building Outpost Modules in Starfield is not just a requirement for progressing in the game; it’s a pivotal part of enhancing your overall gameplay experience. Use this guide to breeze through the challenge of reaching Outpost Engineering Rank 2 and set your sights on even loftier achievements in the cosmos. Check out our comprehensive Starfield Guides section for more insights, tutorials, and guides.

Originally posted 2023-10-05 00:18:05.

Anastasios Antoniadis
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