Master Locked Cockpit & Contraband Cache Loot in Autonomous Staryard

Anastasios Antoniadis

The contents of the ship cockpit and the contraband cache in Autonomous Staryard’s final room.

Autonomous Staryard

Autonomous Staryard is a malfunctioning staryard in Starfield, where the AI went rogue. The staryard doesn’t produce or sell ships; you will only find hostile robots inside it. Whoever has already ventured into its facilities hopes they can get a ship from the staryard. However, that doesn’t happen. Instead, there is a hatch with a Master Security Level lock, allowing you to access a ship’s cockpit in one of the last rooms of the staryard, as long as you have Rank 3+ Security skill.

Cockpit Loot

Master Lock Cockpit Door - Autonomous Staryard
Image: Bethesda/Meta Game Guides

So, is it worth unlocking the door and opening the ship’s cockpit? Sadly, even just stealing the cockpit’s loot isn’t really worth it. The Captain’s Locker is empty, while you will also find a Storage Crate, a Storage Box, and a Spacesuit. Here is the full loot

Credits132 + 233 = 365
Paramagnon Conductor1
Tau Grade Rheostat1
Calibrated Star Roamer Spacesuit1

Contraband Cache Loot

The great news is that inside the same room where you can find the incomplete ship with the Master Level lock cockpit, you will also find a Contraband Cache atop one of the drawers with tools and containers. You can see the Contraband Cache and the ship at the back of the image below to help you identify the cache’s relative position.

Contraband Cache Loot - Autonomous Staryard
Image: Bethesda/Meta Game Guides

Here is the Contraband Cache’s loot:

Xenowarfare Tech4
Black Market Antiquities6

Even if you were disappointed by the lack of a ship to steal, the total haul of this staryard makes a visit well worth the trouble.

Originally posted 2023-10-15 11:27:31.

Anastasios Antoniadis
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