How to Configure the Death Penalty Settings on a Palworld Dedicated Server

Anastasios Antoniadis

Discover how to configure the death penalty settings on Palworld dedicated server.

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In the vast and adventurous world of Palworld, server administrators play a crucial role in shaping the gameplay experience for their players. One significant aspect of this responsibility is the management of death penalty settings. The default configurations may not suit every server’s theme or difficulty level, prompting the need for customization. This article provides a comprehensive guide for server administrators on adjusting the death penalty settings, thus tailoring the survival experience to match the preferences of their player base better.

Starting Up Your Palworld Server Hosting

Before delving into the technicalities of adjusting death penalty settings, ensuring your Palworld server is up and running is essential. The server must be configured and accessible, with administrative privileges ready for modifications.

Locating the PalGameSettings.ini File

The heart of this customization lies within the PalGameSettings.ini file. This configuration file houses various server settings, including those related to the death penalty. Typically found in the server’s installation directory, its path is usually:


Ensuring you have administrative rights to access and modify this file is paramount.

How to Adjust Death Penalty Settings

Fine-tuning the death penalty settings involves a few straightforward steps:

  1. Open the Configuration File: Navigate to the aforementioned directory and open the PalGameSettings.ini file using a preferred text editor.
  2. Find the Death Penalty Line: Search for the line that specifies DeathPenalty=All.
  3. Edit According to Preference: Alter the value next to DeathPenalty= to fit your desired level of challenge:
    • DeathPenalty=0: Eliminates any death penalty, allowing players to respawn without losing anything.
    • DeathPenalty=1: Causes players to drop only their inventory items upon death, sparing equipped gear.
    • DeathPenalty=2: Increases the stakes by having players drop both their inventory items and equipped gear.
    • DeathPenalty=All: Players drop inventory items, gear, and Pals upon death.

It’s important to note that setting values outside of 0, 1, or 2 might lead to unexpected behavior, as these are the only supported configurations.

Understanding the Death Penalty Options

To clarify, here’s a brief overview of what each setting entails:

  • None (0): A forgiving option where players retain all items and gear post-death, suitable for a more casual gameplay experience.
  • Items (1): Adds a layer of challenge by having players drop their inventory items, but not equipped gear, upon death.
  • Items and Equipped Gear (2): For those seeking a more hardcore survival experience, players will lose both inventory items and equipped gear when they die.
  • Pals, Items, and Equpped Gear (All): For the purists of survival, players will drop inventory items, equipped gear, and the Pals in their party upon death.

Implementing the Changes

After editing the file, saving your changes is crucial. For these modifications to take effect, a server restart might be necessary to reload the configuration.


Customizing the death penalty settings on your Palworld server is a powerful way to enhance the gameplay experience, offering the flexibility to cater to different player preferences and difficulty levels. By following the steps outlined in this guide, server administrators can create a more engaging and tailored adventure for their players, ensuring their journey in Palworld is as rewarding as it is challenging.

Anastasios Antoniadis
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