Can You Make Med Packs in Starfield?

Anastasios Antoniadis

Med Packs are valuable in Starfield, but can you craft them at your Pharmaceutical Lab?

Med Pack Starfield

Med Packs, Trauma Packs, and Emergency Kits stand out as vital healing items in Starfield, offering substantial health regeneration over time, depending on your level. These packs are widely accessible and obtainable through vendors, enemy loot, and container searches. Yet, a common question among players is whether they can self-produce Med Packs by crafting them in the game.

The Pharmaceutical Lab workbench in Starfield is a hub for crafting various healing items. Players can use this workbench from the game’s onset to create items like Heal Paste and Antibiotics. However, Med Packs are notably absent from the initial list of items that can be crafted. This raises a question: Does the ability to craft Med Packs unlock as the game progresses, or is it an impossibility throughout Starfield? This guide provides a comprehensive answer to this query, exploring the crafting possibilities and limitations within the game.

Can You Craft Med Packs, Trauma Packs & Emergency Kits in Starfield?

Can You Make Med Packs in Starfield
Image: Bethesda via Meta Game Guides

Regrettably, the answer regarding crafting Med Packs, Trauma Packs, and Emergency Kits in Starfield may disappoint players. Based on extensive community feedback and personal observations, crafting Med Packs within the game is impossible. The reasons behind Bethesda’s decision to exclude this feature remain unclear. Even with a fully upgraded character, the ability to create Med Packs at a pharmaceutical lab is not unlocked.

Players have two primary options for acquiring more Med Packs: purchasing or finding them through looting. Med Packs are often found in ample quantities by searching through fallen enemies and various containers, particularly medical containers on walls and desks.

Visiting doctors in Starfield is a reliable choice for those purchasing Med Packs. Doctors typically have a stock of Med Packs available for sale, generally priced around 500 credits each. Key locations to find these doctors include The Well and the MAST District in New Atlantis, Akila City, and The Clinic in the Narion system, among others scattered across the Settled Systems.

A proactive strategy is regularly visiting doctors and other vendors to ensure a steady supply of Med Packs. This approach is especially advisable given the challenges and inconveniences of relying on less effective healing items during critical combat situations. Additionally, for those interested in customizing their gameplay further, check out the guide on renaming weapons in Starfield.

Anastasios Antoniadis
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