Charity of the Wolf Walkthrough: Akila City Misc Mission

Anastasios Antoniadis

Starfield’s Charity of the Wolf in Akila City has players reboot farming robots and collect donations for residents of The Stretch.

Charity of the Wolf

“Charity of the Wolf” is a side quest in Starfield where you lend a helping hand to Akila City’s notable charitable organization at The Stretch, the Low House. This benevolent group dedicates itself to feeding the less fortunate inhabitants of The Stretch.

However, they’re currently facing a predicament: their primary provider, Filburn Agricultural Systems, has unexpectedly delayed the delivery of their IntelliWheat supplies. Amira Wolf, who oversees The Low House, seeks your assistance in investigating and resolving the issue of the tardy shipment, ensuring that the community doesn’t suffer from hunger.

In our comprehensive guide for Starfield, we will delve into the specifics of the “Charity of the Wolf” mission. Our walkthrough is designed to offer step-by-step guidance, ensuring a smooth completion of this compassionate side quest.

  • Misc Mission in Akila City
  • Planet: Akila
  • Rewards: 220 EXP, 5,000 Credits and Credits proportional to character level
Akila City Map Charity of the Wolf
Image: Bethesda via Meta Game Guides

Talk to Amira Wolf at the Low House

Talk to Amira Wolf at the Low House
Image: Bethesda via Meta Game Guides

To embark on the “Charity of the Wolf” quest in Starfield, your first step is to locate Amira Wolf, who is usually found near The Low House. This building is in the northeastern section of The Stretch, closely positioned before Honest Earl’s Alien Extravaganza. Starting from the spaceport gate in Akila City, head east towards The Rock, then make a left down an alley next to Rowland Arms and Chunks.

Proceed in a northeast direction, then veer left past Sinclair’s Books to descend a staircase leading to The Stretch. Keep moving west towards Honest Earl’s Alien Extravaganza, and The Low House will be visible on your left.

Although The Low House is your destination, Amira Wolf might not always be inside. She will likely be found outside the vicinity if she’s not in the building.

During your initial interaction with Amira, she may request a contribution of 100 Credits, which doesn’t seem to impact anything. After deciding whether or not to donate to the Low House, engage Amira in conversation again and choose the dialogue option indicating your willingness to help.

Amira will brief you about the delayed IntelliWheat shipment and suggest you ask Sarah Filburn at Weston Filburn’s residence about the hold-up.

Talk to Sarah Filburn About Low House Wheat Shipment

Talk to Sarah Filburn About Low House Wheat Shipment
Image: Bethesda via Meta Game Guides

Head back to Coe Plaza at the city’s center to reach Weston Filburn’s residence, where you will find Sarah. Ascend the stairs to the right of The Rock’s entrance, take the second right to pass in front of the Cartwright residence, and continue south. When you reach the railings, descend the steps to your right, then turn left. Weston Filburn’s house is located just on your left.

Upon entering the Filburn home, discuss the delay of the IntelliWheat with Sarah. Sarah will confirm the setback and reveal that the farming equipment outside Akila City needs a reboot to harvest the IntelliWheat. Offer to help, and Sarah will assure prompt delivery of the IntelliWheat and mention discussing payment arrangements with her husband.

Reboot the Farming Equipment

To reboot the Filburn farming equipment, exit the Filburn house and proceed southeast to find Akila City’s South Gate.

Akila City South Gate
Image: Bethesda via Meta Game Guides

Once outside the city walls, travel southwest to locate the farming rig. Be wary of Ashta creatures in this area. Upon reaching the rig, access the Filburn Automated Farming Computer and select the option to reboot the farming facility.

Reboot the Farming Equipment
Image: Bethesda via Meta Game Guides

Return to Amira Wolf

Return to Amira Wolf
Image: Bethesda via Meta Game Guides

Having restarted the farming operations, return to The Low House and inform Amira of the progress. While she’ll express her gratitude, Amira will request another favor – soliciting donations from Mayor Elias Cartwright, the Trade Authority, and Laredo Firearms.

Get Donations From Elias Cartwright, Reisha Lance, and Duncan Lynch

Get Donations From Elias Cartwright, Reisha Lance, and Duncan Lynch
Image: Bethesda via Meta Game Guides

For Mayor Elias Cartwright’s donation, climb the stairway right of The Rock’s entrance and head east. Cartwright’s home, recognizable by its white brick facade, has the Mayor on the balcony, ready to donate.

After visiting Cartwright Manor, descend the steps and veer slightly left instead of heading towards The Rock. Pass by GalBank to find the Trade Authority on your left. Inside, your request for a donation from Duncan Lynch will be declined, with no persuasion option available.

Finally, exit the Trade Authority and turn two left to reach Laredo Firearms (a great place to find Advanced Regulators, which are Laredo guns, and build a better version of the Ambassador Pistol). Reisha Lance, the owner, will agree to donate to Low House’s cause.

Report Back to Amira Wolf

Report Back to Amira Wolf
Image: Bethesda via Meta Game Guides

Upon gathering two of the three requested donations, return to Amira Wolf at The Low House to update her on your progress. In appreciation of your efforts, Amira will also present you with a 5,000 Credits as a token of gratitude.

Deliver Intelliwheat to Simone Jansen

Deliver Intelliwheat to Simone Jansen
Image: Bethesda via Meta Game Guides

Amira’s next request involves the delivery of the IntelliWheat harvest to Simone Jansen and her family.

To locate Simone Jansen, head west in the direction of Aggie’s. Just before reaching Aggie’s, glance to your left to spot Simone tinkering with a device. Present her with the IntelliWheat harvest, and in return, you’ll receive a handsome reward of at least 3300 Credits and 200 XP!

Congratulations, you have now completed the “Charity of the Wolf” side mission in Starfield!

Anastasios Antoniadis
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