How to Disable Pal Hunger in Palworld

Anastasios Antoniadis

Discover how to minimize and almost disable Pal Hunger in Palworld.

Palworld (19)

In Palworld, it’s important to manage the hunger levels of your Pals. This affects not only their health but also their ability to explore and fight. However, some players may find the hunger mechanic to be more of a hindrance than a fun challenge. If you’re one of those players, don’t worry! Palworld offers a simple solution to adjust the hunger mechanics to your liking. In this guide, we’ll show you how to easily manage or even turn off Pal hunger, so you can focus on the aspects of the game that you enjoy.

How to Almost Disable Pal Hunger in Palworld

The option to adjust Pal hunger settings allows players to customize their experience, making it possible to reduce or eliminate the need to monitor and address the hunger levels of their Pals. This adjustment is accessible through the World Settings menu and can be a game-changer for those looking to minimize the survival aspects of Palworld.

Step-by-step Guide to Adju Pal Hunger Depletion Rate

  1. From the Main Menu, press Start Game.Palworld Start Game
  2. Select the world you wish to modify and navigate to “Change World Settings” at the bottom of the screen.Change World Settings
  3. In the World Settings menu, find and select “Custom Settings” to access various gameplay options.Custom World Settings Palworld
  4. Look for the “Pal Hunger Depletion Rate” option. By sliding this setting down to 0.1, you can significantly slow the rate at which your Pals’ hunger decreases, effectively making hunger management a non-issue. However, you can set this rate to any value that matches your preferred gameplay balance.Player Hunger Depletion Rate customization

Additional World Customization Options

Alongside adjusting Pal hunger, the Custom Settings menu offers further options to tailor your experience in Palworld. These include:

  • Pal Stamina Reduction Rate: Adjust how quickly your Pals’ stamina decreases, allowing for longer exploration or combat sessions.
  • Damage to Pals Multiplier: Modify the amount of damage your Pals can take, making battles more or less challenging.
  • Player Hunger and Stamina: Similar adjustments can also be made for the player character, ensuring that both you and your Pals can explore Palworld according to your gameplay preferences.

Customizing the hunger and stamina settings for both the player and Pals allows you to shape Palworld in the way you desire. Whether you seek the excitement of battles, the pleasure of exploration, or the satisfaction of building and crafting, adjusting these settings ensures that managing hunger and stamina does not detract from your preferred gameplay elements. Remember, Palworld is your world and you can tailor it to your liking.

Anastasios Antoniadis
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