How to Change Difficulty in Helldivers 2

Anastasios Antoniadis

Share on Facebook Share on X (Twitter) Share on LinkedIn Share on RedditAs veterans of Helldivers 2 will attest, there comes a point in the interstellar war campaign where the initial thrill of combat begins to wane, signaling it’s time to escalate the intensity of the conflict. For those yearning for a heightened challenge and … Read more

Helldivers 2 (31)

As veterans of Helldivers 2 will attest, there comes a point in the interstellar war campaign where the initial thrill of combat begins to wane, signaling it’s time to escalate the intensity of the conflict. For those yearning for a heightened challenge and richer rewards, adjusting the game’s difficulty setting can transform your experience from routine to exhilarating.

How to Change Difficulty in Helldivers 2

Adjusting the difficulty in Helldivers 2 is straightforward and offers a tangible way to align the game with your evolving skillset. This adjustment can be made from the Galactic War screen, accessible on your ship’s Bridge. PlayStation 5 users can use L1 or R1, while PC players will find the Q and E keys, allowing them to navigate through the options. A wheel at the bottom of the screen facilitates this selection, with the current difficulty setting prominently displayed at the center.

The journey through Helldivers 2 begins on the “Trivial” difficulty setting, a mode designed to gently introduce players to the game’s mechanics through engagement with enemy patrols while pursuing a Primary Objective. Although this initial setting provides a suitable introduction, the game’s design encourages players to venture beyond this comfort zone. Advancing to higher difficulties unlocks new challenges and enhances the rewards for completing missions, including both Primary and Secondary Objectives.

Rewards on Higher Helldivers 2 Difficulties

Helldivers 2 (37)
Image: Arrowhead Game Studios

The reward system in Helldivers 2 is intricately tied to the game’s difficulty levels. Starting off, completing a mission on “Trivial” rewards players with a single Warbond Medal. However, as players ascend through the difficulty settings, they can amass more medals, encounter more formidable foes, and engage with increasingly complex mission objectives. This system ensures that risks are adequately compensated, with higher difficulties yielding more substantial in-game currency and rare items.

What to Expect from Higher Difficulties

Helldivers 2 (17)
Image: Arrowhead Game Studios

Embarking on missions at higher difficulty levels in Helldivers 2 means facing more daunting enemies and executing more complex strategic maneuvers. The game introduces Chargers at difficulty level 4, marking a significant uptick in challenge. Success in these higher stakes scenarios requires superior firepower and strategies, cohesive teamwork, and tactical acumen.

The allure of tackling these more challenging missions isn’t just in the thrill of battle; it’s also in the rewards. Beyond the increase in Warbond Medals, players can find Rare Samples and accrue more Requisition Slips, enhancing their ability to secure advanced weaponry and gear. Thus, the game ingeniously incentivizes players to push their limits, offering tangible rewards for those willing to brave the heightened intensity of Helldivers 2‘s galactic conflict.

In essence, Helldivers 2 masterfully balances challenge and reward, ensuring that as players progress and hone their skills, they are met with appropriately scaled obstacles and compensations. Whether you’re a seasoned veteran or a newcomer eager to dive into the fray, the game’s dynamic difficulty system ensures that your journey through the stars is both challenging and rewarding.

Anastasios Antoniadis
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