Dragon Age Inquisition Cheats and Console Commands

Anastasios Antoniadis

Share on Facebook Share on X (Twitter) Share on LinkedIn Share on RedditDragon Age Inquisition allows players to use console commands to streamline their gaming experience or breeze through tough scenarios. If you’re searching for a comprehensive list of these commands, you’re in the right place! Update: Notably, after the publication of this article, Dragon … Read more

Dragon Age Inquisition allows players to use console commands to streamline their gaming experience or breeze through tough scenarios. If you’re searching for a comprehensive list of these commands, you’re in the right place!

Update: Notably, after the publication of this article, Dragon Age: Inquisition discontinued the support for the console commands mentioned here. However, these commands are still functional in several other games from the Dragon Age series.

Dragon Age Inquisition Cheats and Console Commands Guide

While the game doesn’t feature an extensive list of cheats, they can be quite handy if you’re stuck or looking to refresh your gameplay. To activate these commands, you need to enable the command console by following these steps:

  1. Navigate to the game’s installation directory, typically C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\Dragon Age Inquisition.
  2. Right-click on the DragonAgeInquisition.exe file and select Properties.
  3. In the Target field, append -enabledeveloperconsole, making it look like C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\Dragon Age Inquisition\DragonAgeInquisition.exe -enabledeveloperconsole.
  4. Click Ok.
  5. Once in the game, press the ~ (tilde) key to open the developer console. Alternatively, you can apply these settings directly to the game’s desktop shortcut.

After completing the setup, you’re ready to use the following cheats to modify your game:

  • runscript pc_immortal: Activates God Mode.
  • runscript dbg_setattrib [x y]: Temporarily boosts an attribute for one minute.
  • runscript addxp [amount]: Increases your character(s) XP by the specified amount.
  • runscript chargen mage/rogue/warrior: Changes your character to a level 2 mage, rogue, or warrior.
  • runscript bowlingforferelden: Repels enemies and creates a protective shield.
  • runscript zz_supercrit player: Boosts player stats significantly.
  • runscript healplayer: Heals your party.
  • runscript killallhostiles: Eliminates nearby enemies.
  • runscript injury remparty: Clears all party injuries.
  • runscript addmoney [amount]: Adds the specified amount of money to your character.

These commands can simplify challenging encounters and add a new dimension to your gameplay experience, even in this decade-old title.

Anastasios Antoniadis
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