Dead By Daylight Hidden Achievements – What Are They? How To Unlock Them?

Anastasios Antoniadis

Share on Facebook Share on X (Twitter) Share on LinkedIn Share on Reddit“Dead by Daylight” is an exciting multiplayer horror game that offers a unique combination of suspense, strategy, and action. One of its most attractive features is the set of ‘Hidden Achievements’ – a series of secret challenges that add mystery and excitement to … Read more

Dead By Daylight Hidden Achievements What Are They How To Unlock Them

“Dead by Daylight” is an exciting multiplayer horror game that offers a unique combination of suspense, strategy, and action. One of its most attractive features is the set of ‘Hidden Achievements’ – a series of secret challenges that add mystery and excitement to the gaming experience. These achievements are not just simple goals to reach; they are cleverly hidden objectives that test the skills, adaptability, and ingenuity of both Survivors and Killers.

These Hidden Achievements are meant to be discovered through gameplay, and they encourage players to experiment with various play styles, characters, and strategies. These achievements can range from narrowly escaping death to demonstrating prowess in outsmarting or overpowering opponents. The satisfaction of unlocking these achievements lies in the accomplishment itself and the journey of discovery, which often leads to unexpected and thrilling gameplay moments.

Full List of Hidden Achievements in DBD

There are six total hidden achievements in Dead By Daylight:

  • Agonizing Escape: (Hidden Achievement) Successfully crawl out of the trial through an Exit Gate or the Hatch. This achievement remains concealed until accomplished.
  • Backdoor Escape: (Hidden Achievement) Secretly escape from a trial through the Hatch. The details of this achievement are not revealed until it is unlocked.
  • Blood in Your Mouth: (Hidden Achievement) Achieve the feat of eliminating Survivors by your own hands a total of 25 times. The specifics of this achievement remain undisclosed until achieved.
  • Blood on Your Face: (Hidden Achievement) Accomplish the task of eliminating all four Survivors by your own hands in a single trial. This achievement is kept hidden until successfully completed.
  • Blood on Your Hands: (Hidden Achievement) Complete the act of eliminating your first Survivor by your own hands. Details of this achievement are hidden until it is unlocked.
  • The Key to Escape: (Hidden Achievement) Escape through the Hatch after opening it with a Key. The criteria for this achievement remain concealed until it is accomplished.
  • These hidden achievements add an element of surprise and challenge, encouraging players to explore various strategies and scenarios within the game to uncover and achieve them.

Continue reading to find out how to unlock each of these hidden achievements!

Dead by Daylight Hidden Achievement: Agonising Escape

  • Agonising Escape: Crawl your way out of the Exit Gates or into the Hatch.

By FAR, the easiest way to do this is to play completely normal. Repair all five generators that you need for escape as the Survivor. Then, open the exit gate and wait for the Killer to come for you. Just wait for as long as you can. The Killer won’t be interested if he is busy with others. But after some time, he will be annoyed that the match is not yet over and attempt to chase you out of the game. Stand exactly on the line where the map ends and wait for him to down you. He will be stuck in a “successful hit” animation, and you will be free to cross the invisible line of the edge of the map. At that point, he can’t do anything to you.

Alternatively:You could try to do the same with the Hatch. But it’s risky! If you don’t stand in the exact right spot, the Killer can quickly close the Hatch and then down you and hook you. But if you can body block it just right, it’s possible to abuse the hit animation again to crawl through the Hatch.

Dead by Daylight Hidden Achievement: Backdoor Escape

  • Backdoor Escape: Escape from a Trial through the Hatch.

This one is kinda hard to “force,” but it will happen to you naturally when you just play the game. The Hatch spawns when you are the last Survivor standing, and it opens automatically. At that point, it’s a race between you and the Killer who can close it. Keep your ear to the ground. Open Hatch emits a sound unlike anything else in the game with quite an impressive range. Spawn location is completely random unless you bring an offering that spawns the hatch either in the “main building” or the “killer shack.” Locations of which are different for each map.

Tip: Try to combine getting this achievement with the one below for maximum productivity!

Dead by Daylight Hidden Achievement: The Key to Escape

  • The Key to Escape: Escape through the Hatch using a Key.

Again, you must be the last person standing in a game for the Hatch to spawn. You also must bring in the Skeleton Key or the Dull Key. Or you might find them in chests around the map, but it’s a rare drop. Beware that Broken Key can’t open the hatch!

When the Hatch spawns and you have a key in hand, it’s time to roll. Find the hatch in the environment by sound. Then, when you find it, do not go in! Instead, hide nearby out of sight and wait for the Killer to come around and close it. Only then can you use the key. Wait for the Killer to leave and use the Key on the locked Hatch. It takes 2.5 seconds, so make sure the Killer is away.

Dead by Daylight Hidden Achievements: Blood in Your Mouth; Blood on Your Face; Blood on Your Hands

  • Blood in Your Mouth: Kill 25 Survivors
  • Blood on Your Face: Kill all Survivors in a single Trial
  • Blood on Your Hands: Kill your first Survivor

For Blood in Your Mouth and Blood on Your Hands, the task is very simple. You can do these achievements across hundreds or thousands of games. Do note that sacrificing Survivors to the Entetiy via hooking them is not considered “killing” them. You must kill them by your own hand.

That can be done by using one of the following items:

  • Memento Mori offerings – The Ebony Memento Mori is best for this. It allows you to kill anyone who has already progressed through two Hook Stages.
  • Hex: Devour Hope‚ stacked up to‚ 5‚ Tokens – This is almost impossible to achieve. Survivors will react VERY QUICKLY as soon as they get 3 Tokens of Devour Hope and start downing people with basic attacks.
  • Rancor – Let you kill the Obsession when the Exit Gates are powered (i.e., all the gens are repaired).
  • While playing The Shape, Judith’s Tombstone or Tombstone Piece is by FAR the best option for quick-killing sprees.
  • Reverse Bear Trap‚ ability of The‚ Pig – This Kills one Survivor every few games, so it’s not terrible. It can be combined with Mori/Devour Hope to score a kill occasionally.
  • The Executioner’s ability Final Judgement is a free mori if you fulfill the simple requirement. Given that the Executioner is a very high-tier Killer, you might want to grab this one out of the 3 DLC Killers listed here. The Shape comes in second.

Blood on Your Face is WAYYYY harder to do than any of the above. You may complete the two other kill achievements while trying to get this one. At the same time, you can complete this challenge with any Killer thanks to Ebony Mori. Doing so is quite hard.

I recommend grabbing the Halloween Chapter DLC with Laurie Strode and Michael Myers to make this process as easy as possible. Then, use Judith’s Tombstone Add-on to The Shapes power and the Fragrant Tuft of Hair Add-on. This allows you to have unlimited Tier III with Myers while also having the ability to kill anyone you grab immediately. No matter how many hook stages he or she has left.

Tip:Consider using Play with Your Food Perk of The Shape to counteract the movement speed debuff that Judith’s Tombstone gives you. Also, the Tombstone and the Tuft of Hair are iridescent add-ons, the rarest ones in the blood web. Strongly consider using the “Black Ward” offering to keep them from being consumed after the game.

Anastasios Antoniadis
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