Bloodborne Expands Its Dark Universe with a New Comic Book Series

Anastasios Antoniadis

Explore the dark universe of Bloodborne through its comic book series, offering fans a deep dive into the lore and horrors of Yharnam. Learn about the latest volume, “Lady of the Lanterns,” and its special pricing on Amazon, providing a new way to experience the acclaimed game’s world.

Bloodborne (1)

While Bloodborne fans may still be waiting for the beloved game to land on PC or receive a remastered version, there’s a silver lining in the form of a new comic book series that dives deeper into the game’s dark and intricate universe. The PlayStation 4 exclusive, released in 2015 by FromSoftware, is widely regarded as one of the best entries in the Soulsborne genre. Despite its age, the game’s popularity endures, largely due to its challenging gameplay and richly crafted world.

The Bloodborne comic series, written by Ales Kot and Cullen Bunn with illustrations by Piotr Kowalski and Brad Simpson, offers fans a literary gateway back into the eerie streets of Old Yharnam. Published by Titan Books, the series has already spanned five volumes, each unraveling new layers of the game’s mythology and horror.

The latest addition, Bloodborne: Lady of the Lanterns, is set against the backdrop of Yharnam’s descent into madness due to a blood-borne epidemic. The story explores the intense and fearful atmosphere of a city in peril through the perspectives of its terror-stricken citizens and the Hunters who venture into the night to combat nightmarish creatures. The narrative promises a blend of action and deep existential queries, focusing on a family struggling to survive and a priest who grapples with his faith amidst the chaos.

In celebration of the upcoming sixth volume, set to release in July, Titan Books has significantly reduced the price of Lady of the Lanterns on Amazon, making it an accessible entry point for both longstanding fans and newcomers intrigued by Bloodborne’s dark lore.

For those who have traversed the fog-filled landscapes and Gothic architectures of Yharnam in the video game, the comic series provides a compelling expansion of the Bloodborne universe. It not only adds depth to the already rich lore but also introduces new characters and stories that resonate with the game’s themes of despair, courage, and the human condition.

While the wait for a PC version or a remastered edition of the game continues, the Bloodborne comics offer a satisfying tide-over, keeping the spirit of the hunt alive through its visually striking and narratively rich pages. Fans can pick up Bloodborne: Lady of the Lanterns now for just £12.33/$12.79 on Amazon and prepare for the next chilling chapter in this celebrated saga.

Anastasios Antoniadis
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